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まずは SoftEther VPN Server をダウンロードして、ファイルを展開する。
$ wget http://jp.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.27-9667-beta-2018.05.26-tree/Linux/SoftEther_VPN_Server/64bit_-_Intel_x64_or_AMD64/softether-vpnserver-v4.27-9667-beta-2018.05.26-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz $ tar xzvf softether-vpnserver-v4.27-9667-beta-2018.05.26-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz
続いて make コマンドを実行。
$ cd vpnserver/ $ make ライセンスを読んで、同意するなら `1` と `Enter` を数回入力。 $ sudo mv vpnserver /usr/local $ sudo cd /usr/local/vpnserver/ $ sudo chmod 600 * $ sudo chmod 700 vpncmd $ sudo chmod 700 vpnserver
$ sudo cd /usr/local/vpnserver/ $ sudo ./vpncmd vpncmd command - SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command) Version 4.27 Build 9667 (English) Compiled 2018/05/26 09:09:16 by yagi at pc33 Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project. All Rights Reserved. By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved. 1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge 2. Management of VPN Client 3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool) Select 1, 2 or 3: 3 VPN Tools has been launched. By inputting HELP, you can view a list of the commands that can be used. VPN Tools>check Check command - Check whether SoftEther VPN Operation is Possible --------------------------------------------------- SoftEther VPN Operation Environment Check Tool Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project. All Rights Reserved. If this operation environment check tool is run on a system and that system passes, it is most likely that SoftEther VPN software can operate on that system. This check may take a while. Please wait... Checking 'Kernel System'... Pass Checking 'Memory Operation System'... Pass Checking 'ANSI / Unicode string processing system'... Pass Checking 'File system'... Pass Checking 'Thread processing system'... Pass Checking 'Network system'... Pass All checks passed. It is most likely that SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge can operate normally on this system. The command completed successfully. VPN Tools>exit
$ sudo ufw enable Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y Firewall is active and enabled on system startup $ sudo ufw allow 22 # ssh用 Rule added Rule added (v6) $ sudo ufw allow 5555 # SoftEther用 Rule added Rule added (v6) $ sudo ufw status verbose Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed) New profiles: skip To Action From -- ------ ---- 22 ALLOW IN Anywhere 5555 ALLOW IN Anywhere 22 (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6) 5555 (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6) # 再起動が必要かも
SoftEther VPN Server の起動
$ sudo /usr/local/vpnserver/vpnserver start
と localhost
~$ sudo /usr/local/vpnserver/vpncmd vpncmd command - SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command) Version 4.27 Build 9667 (English) Compiled 2018/05/26 09:09:16 by yagi at pc33 Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project. All Rights Reserved. By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved. 1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge 2. Management of VPN Client 3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool) Select 1, 2 or 3: 1 Specify the host name or IP address of the computer that the destination VPN Server or VPN Bridge is operating on. By specifying according to the format 'host name:port number', you can also specify the port number. (When the port number is unspecified, 443 is used.) If nothing is input and the Enter key is pressed, the connection will be made to the port number 8888 of localhost (this computer). Hostname of IP Address of Destination: localhost If connecting to the server by Virtual Hub Admin Mode, please input the Virtual Hub name. If connecting by server admin mode, please press Enter without inputting anything. Specify Virtual Hub Name: Connection has been established with VPN Server "localhost" (port 443). You have administrator privileges for the entire VPN Server. VPN Server>
SoftEther VPN Server の管理者パスワードの変更
VPN Server>ServerPasswordSet ServerPasswordSet command - Set VPN Server Administrator Password Please enter the password. To cancel press the Ctrl+D key. Password: ******************* Confirm input: ******************* The command completed successfully. VPN Server>
VPN Server>Hub DEFAULT Hub command - Select Virtual Hub to Manage The Virtual Hub "DEFAULT" has been selected. The command completed successfully. VPN Server/DEFAULT>
VPN Server/DEFAULT>GroupCreate GroupCreate command - Create Group Group Name: default Group Full Name: default Group Description: default The command completed successfully.
VPN Server/DEFAULT>UserCreate UserCreate command - Create User User Name: ユーザ名 Assigned Group Name: default User Full Name: ユーザ名 User Description: ユーザ名 The command completed successfully.
VPN Server/DEFAULT>UserPasswordSet UserPasswordSet command - Set Password Authentication for User Auth Type and Set Password User Name: ユーザ名 Please enter the password. To cancel press the Ctrl+D key. Password: ******************* Confirm input: ******************* The command completed successfully.
IPsec / L2TP での通信を有効化
VPN Server/DEFAULT>IPsecEnable IPsecEnable command - Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function Enable L2TP over IPsec Server Function (yes / no): yes Enable Raw L2TP Server Function (yes / no): no Enable EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function (yes / no): no Pre Shared Key for IPsec (Recommended: 9 letters at maximum): ******** Default Virtual HUB in a case of omitting the HUB on the Username: DEFAULT The command completed successfully.
SecureNat, Nat, DHCPを有効化する。
AWS(EC2)でSoftEtherを使ってL2TP/IPsecなVPNを構築する (Mac)
VPN Server/DEFAULT>SecureNatEnable SecureNatEnable command - Enable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function) The command completed successfully. VPN Server/DEFAULT>NatEnable NatEnable command - Enable Virtual NAT Function of SecureNAT Function The command completed successfully. VPN Server/DEFAULT>DHCPEnable DhcpEnable command - Enable Virtual DHCP Server Function of SecureNAT Function The command completed successfully.
これで IPSec / L2TP で接続できるようになったが、IPSecがファイアウォールで塞がれている時用(公衆Wi-Fiとかであるかも)のために、SSL-VPNが使えるOpenVPNのサービスも用意させる。
VPN Server/DEFAULT> OpenVpnEnable OpenVpnEnable command - Enable / Disable OpenVPN Clone Server Function Enables OpenVPN Clone Server Function (yes / no): yes UDP Ports to Listen for OpenVPN (Default: 1194 / Multiple Accepted): 1194 The command completed successfully.
7.3 Linux へのインストールと初期設定 - SoftEther VPN プロジェクト